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Friday, October 15, 2010

JSF High Poker

DefPro News

A cautious perspective of the US-Israeli F-35 agreement
The signature on the final agreement between the US and Israel for the supply of a first batch of F-35A LIGTHNING II fighter aircraft (a.k.a. JSF) would seem to mark a very important turning point in the political, strategic and military relationship between the two countries. The reasons for this author’s use of a cautious conditional tense will become evident in what follows.
Needless to say, there never was any real doubt about the US being ready and willing to accept an IDF order for the F-35 as soon as Jerusalem was interested in placing it. Now, in this specific case, an “order” means that Israel will receive the aircraft courtesy of the US taxpayer through the annual Military Assistance Program outlays, but that’s irrelevant.
Despite the “special relationship” between the US and Israel, and despite Washington’s determination to maintain the qualitative and quantitative edge of the Israeli military over its neighbours, the official signing of the contract has been delayed by about two years by a dispute – a squabble, if you prefer – about the Israeli’s right to integrate onto their F-35 a variety of equipment, subsystems and weapons of their own choice.

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