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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Nag Missile Carrier (NAMICA)

NAMICA (Nag Missile Carrier)is a tracked ICV built for the army. It is equipped with a thermal imager for target acquisition. NAMICA is a modified BMP-2 ICV produced as "Sarath" in India. The carrier weights 14.5 tonnes in full combat load and is capable of moving 7 km/h in water. The carriers are capable of carrying 12 missiles with 8 in ready-to-fire mode. The NAMICA carrier was put through transportation trials covering 155 km during summer trials.


Nag Missile Carrier (NAMICA) is a vehicle which carries NAG ATGMs in ready-to-fire condition

Concept to Realisation

Built on modified BMP-II platform using special armour


28V DC Servo System with 3-axis velocity control

Launch mode: Azimuth (endless) / Articulation / Vertical lift

Advance Sighting Systems

Single wire System

High pointing accuracy

Ergonomic man-machine interface

High Safety


  1. your article is informative however you have erroneously shown incorrect photographs. The vehicle shown in the pictures is the Pinaka MBRL system and not the NAMICA!

  2. thanks for the correction...will do the necessary changes.....


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